It's one of my favorites android games. Now you can download 9th Dawn RPG + - v 1.60 apk for your android gadgets like smartphone and tablet. If you want try this apps arcade/action games, here the latest version. This current version apps have 23M file size and required Android 1.5 and up version to be working properly. You can get this apps for $2.99
What's in this version:
v1.60-Line of sight option
-Interaction button fixed for containers
-Interaction button now reaches NPCs behind counters
-Gamma slider added
-Some crash-causing bugs fixed
-Shade of Maltyr quest completion requirement removed from boats to the islands
-Command added for stat redistribution
-Quest journal fixed for expansion
See our Tumblr for detailed patch notes!
Remember to e-mail us any comments, questions, bug reports, or concerns at!
Are you a fan of oldschool RPGs like Ultima, but crave the openness and exploration in modern games? If so, we at Valorware are dedicated to giving you just that! We are proud to present 9th Dawn, a game that's a blend of modern and traditional design and gameplay and sports the largest open world experience available today in a mobile RPG! Explore the large island continent of Montelorne, a land far detached from the mainland, but filled with mystery, danger, and last but not least, adventure. You begin your journey in the small village of Agaria, but once you gain your bearings, you'll find yourself immersed in a world of its own. Play as one of three of the traditional classes: The sturdy knight, skilled in the art of combat and possessing the ability to wield heavy armour and Definitely worth the spend. Great fun. Lost hours on this.
The games apps/apk get many good reviews from user that installing 9th Dawn RPG + - v 1.60 in their smartphone and tablet.
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